Hi there! I'm

Reza Hosseini

I'm a CS student at KTH from Sweden.

I build/design websites, apps and a lot more! If you're interested, don't hesitate to contact me :)

Image of myself
Project image


A wiki for bird watchers and bird enthusiasts!

On Birdr you can see the bird of the day, search for different birds and add the ones you like to your personal bird list. You can listen to many different bird calls as well as check out all the pictures of the birds. The most popular birds gets a spot on the hotlist which is a list for the most popular birds.

Tech stack:

- Built in React and Vite

- Styled with Emotion & Chakra UI

- State management done by Mobx

- Authentication done by Firebase

- Stroing data in a NoSQL database on Firebase

Project image


Tinder for places to visit

A web app that gives suggestion on what to do in your city based on your interests. You swipe left and right on different events and the app learns what you like and dislike and gives you better suggestions over time. The app is built with a React frontend and an Express backend. The backend is hosted on Microsoft Azure and the database is hosted on Supabase. The app is currently in development and will be released in the near future.

Tech stack:

- Built in React on the front and Express on the server

- Styled with Tailwind

- Storing data in a PostgreSQL DB hosted on Supabase

- Authentication done by bcrypt and JWT

- Server hosted on Microsoft Azure

Project image


Second Hand Webshop

A website that gathers second hand ads from a variety of different websites(currently Blocket, Tradera and Shpock). The goal is to encourage more people to buy/sell second hand by making the process easier.

Tech stack:

- Built in React and Nextjs

- Styled with Emotion

- Storing data in a PostgreSQL DB using Prisma ORM

- Authentication done by Next-Auth

- Data fetching with React-Query

Project image


Landing page for UltiToaster

Ultitoaster is a a smart toaster that can be connected and controlled by a smartphone which gives you more abilities in toasting your bread.

Tech stack:

- Built in React and Gatsby

- Styled with Emotion

- Image optimization with gatsby-image and gatsby-plugin-sharp

Reza Hosseini 2023