Image of myself 2

Hello! My name is Reza Hosseini and I'm a Computer Science student at KTH University in Sweden. I am currently (August 2023) studying my third year in college and if everything goes smoothly I will be graduating in summer 2026!

Coding, hacking and programing has always been a passion of mine. Since I was a child, I was always interested in computers and wanted to know how they work.

Before I started college, I was a self taught developer and learned a lot of stuff by just watching Youtube toturials, Googling stuff, scrolling through Stackoverflow and so on. I learned the basics of web development during that time and built a good and solid knowledge base for my future studies.

During my high school time between 2018 and 2021, I started to take what I like to do more seriously and see it as a potential future career field . At that time I realized this is more than just a hobby and I started to learn more professionally.

If you want to contact me, you are more than welcome to do so by sending me an email at or messaging me on any of my social media accounts :)

Reza Hosseini 2023